Line in the Sand

Listen to full song :

Line in the Sand

Mendoza is his name

Jalisco is his home

His wife is with the angels

He works with mud and stone

Los Estados Unidos

The streets are paved with gold

A dream or an illusion

The border is patrolled

A mark on a map

A line in the sand

Lives in the balance

Along the Rio Grande

The narcos took his village

The Federales took their side

Now blood runs in the gutters

He just wants to survive

A mark on a map

A line in the sand

But he cannot see them

Along the Rio Grande

They will save their children

You would do the same

They will do what must be done

They will feel no shame

La Migra will not stop him

Go ahead and build your wall

It will never be strong enough

His shadow’s just as tall

There’s a mark on a map

Footprints in the sand

A hope and a prayer

Along the Rio Grande


Old Joe Till


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